Λέο Λέανδρος

Leo Leandros

list of songs with translations, biography, discography
Information, biography, notes, photos
He is father of Viky Leandros, also her manager, producer and composer.
Under his pseudonym Mario Panas he was the co-composer (together with Klaus Munro) of Viky's famous "Après toi".

Music for the songs
Эй, Казанова
Hey, Casanova
Ты такой одинокий
You have so much loneliness
Я живу в твоей тени
I live in your shadow
Жизнь прекрасна
Life is beautiful
Придет день
A day will come
Однажды в апреле
A day of April
Только ты
Only you
Скажи мне, куда ты идешь
Tell me where do you go
Куда вы идете, поезда
Where are you going, trains
Погибшая любовь
Lost love