On this site I gather translations of greek songs.
Some of the songs I like very much, some of them have easy lyrics.
The translations will help you not only to understand, what they sing in Greece about, but also to appreciate the grammar of the greek language.
In the translations I try to pay more attention on the specifics of the greek grammar,
rather than on poetics and rhymes.
For each song I try to find video or audio, although sometimes I can't find something apropriate. Also I give links on different versions of one song. For some songs I write small stories or notes about using of greek grammar, morphology, names, words, expressions, which you can meet in songs.
Every day I add new information to the site, I put new translations in english and/or russian, I write biographies of greek singers, poets, composers and any person, who has connection with musical culture of Greece.
As I am Russian, in first place I put information in russian language, although I don't forget about english-speaking people too =)
Marina Boronina
For each song I try to find video or audio, although sometimes I can't find something apropriate. Also I give links on different versions of one song. For some songs I write small stories or notes about using of greek grammar, morphology, names, words, expressions, which you can meet in songs.
Every day I add new information to the site, I put new translations in english and/or russian, I write biographies of greek singers, poets, composers and any person, who has connection with musical culture of Greece.
As I am Russian, in first place I put information in russian language, although I don't forget about english-speaking people too =)
Marina Boronina