Μανόλης Ρασούλης

Manolis Rassoulis

list of songs with translations, biography, discography
Information, biography, notes, photos
Фото Манолиса Расулиса, Μανώλης Ρασούλης
THESSALONIKI, Greece – Greek singer and songwriter Manolis Rassoulis, whose quirky songs influenced a generation of contemporary Greek musicians, has died aged 65.
Rassoulis was found dead by friends Sunday in his apartment in the northern city of Thessaloniki. A coroner estimated his death took place four days earlier.
Rassoulis was born in Heraklion on the island of Crete, but had lived in Thessaloniki since the 1970s.
A militant leftist in his youth, he became interested in oriental mysticism in later years.
Rassoulis became widely known in the late 1970s when he collaborated with composer Nikos Xydakis and various singers on a series of very popular records that emphasized the oriental roots of contemporary Greek music.

Ах, Греция, я люблю тебя
Ah, Greece, I love you
В трещине времени
In the crack of time
Вся моя жизнь
My whole life
Может измениться, Кемал
Can be changed, Kemal
Почувствуй меня
Feel me
То Будда, то Кудас
Sometimes Buddha, sometimes Koudas

Lyrics for the songs
Любовь значит
Love means
Ах, Греция, я люблю тебя
Ah, Greece, I love you
Здравствуй, господин прокурор
Hello, mister prosecutor
В трещине времени
In the crack of time
Может измениться, Кемал
Can be changed, Kemal
Почувствуй меня
Feel me
Все тебя напоминает
All reminds you
То Будда, то Кудас
Sometimes Buddha, sometimes Koudas
Мои русские глаза
My russian eyes
Ничего не пропало
Nothing is lost
Любви и смерти
Of love and death
Безрассудная и свободная
Crazy and ownerless